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IT Support
Technology in the home is becoming more and more complicated and everything should be done "online" on the net. Need help with your internet connection and understanding of how things work and should be used? Then our IT support at home can be a good help.
Help in the home with technical equipment connected to Internet, entitles in most cases to RUT deduction on the labor costs.
If you are interested and want to know more about our services, we will gladly tell you more. Fill out the contact form on the webbsite, link below, and we will come back to you as soon as possible.
Help to install and configure
- Network: Router, Broadband, Wifi, switches
- Computers: PC, Mac, tablet, smartphone
- Equipment: Printer, game console, surveillance cameras
- Media: Smart TV, apple TV, chromecast, music system, SONOS
- IOT: Smart equipment in your home
Help with using equipment and software.
- PC & Mac
- Software and apps: installation & use
- MS office: excel, powerpoint, word
- Facetime, Messenger
- Mail and social media
Physical installations and set up
- Provison and Installation of devices
- Wallmounts for screens
- Cabeling, patch panels and outlets
Oftast fakturerar vi timpris och kostnader för resor och utlägg. Vi kan även ge en anpassad offert för längre uppdrag.
Pris ink moms
- 900 kr/h
Företag ex. moms
- 900 kr/h
Företag ex. moms
- 1200 kr/h
- Restid
- Resor
Privat ink moms
- Restid: 450 kr/h
- Resor : 50 kr/mil
Företag ex. moms
- Restid: 550 kr/h
- Resor : 40 kr/mil
- För planering och bokning: Kontakta 4CJ via kontaktfornuläret på hemsidan eller på telefon. Telefonnummer och mailadress finns längst ned på alla sidor.